Legal TechMay 24, 2024

What's New: Neos June 2024

Neos release

Summer has BEGUN! But that just means it’s time to crank the AC because your clients still need you to deliver justice. At least you’ll have a ton of exciting new Neos features to take advantage of, including our BRAND NEW AI! Don’t forget to watch the New in Neos webinar on demand if you missed it.

New Features

  • NeosAI (Embedded in Neos!)
  • Calendar Redesign (Customer Request)
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) Updates
  • New Login Page
  • Dynamic Forms


  • Zoom Phone
  • InfoTrack


  • Additional Dropdown Information in Document Generation
  • Add Tags to Bulk Update
  • Neos Email Enhancements (Customer Request)
  • Accident Information Tab – Advanced Search
  • Updated “Accounting Posted Status”
  • Document Generation as a Tab
  • Notes Enhancement
  • "Staff Created” Column and Criteria in Time/Value Advanced Search

New Features


Our cutting-edge embedded NeosAI streamlines processes, enhances efficiency, and delivers a new level of ease to your daily tasks, all without breaking from your existing workflows!

  • Document Summaries - Generate summaries of documents in moments and gather an understanding of the document without having to open the file and re-review
  • Medical Data Extraction - Effortlessly extract key details for accurate data entry and scalable performance
  • Document Generation - Draft documents in seconds with a process that offers individual section modifications and a preview feature for accuracy validation

How it Works

NeosAI Document Summaries

Refer to our Knowledge Base article 2016 for comprehensive instructions on how to use NeosAI to summarize documents.

NeosAI Medical Data Extraction

Refer to our Knowledge Base article 2018 for comprehensive instructions on how to use NeosAI to pull data from documents and insert into Neos.

NeosAI Document Generation

Refer to Knowledge Base articles 2002, 2000, 2003, and 2006 for comprehensive instructions on how to use NeosAI to generate documents using existing case data.

Interested in learning more about NeosAI? Sign up for a demo or contact your Customer Success Manager.

Calendar Redesign

We've enhanced our Calendar feature with a revamped user interface, providing improved visibility and a smoother experience. This was the result of several customer requests who submitted items and upvoted items in our Ideas and Enhancements Portal.

  • Globally search your calendar for events without generating a report
  • Easily refresh to fetch the latest updates.
  • Ability to have events in case history without having them in Outlook.
  • Quick calendar search, print, and export
  • New cancel and reschedule workflows
  • Improved reporting

Neos Ideas Portal requests for this update (over 300 upvotes in total):

How to use it

  • Changing the date or time of an event with case # attached will trigger the reschedule workflow
  • Save a record of the original event when cancelling an event with case # attached
  • Select from groups in the attendees field when creating a new event
  • Open calendar list view by clicking on the magnifying glass from global calendar
  • Event popup will appear when hovering over an event

NOTE: It is advisable to document the standard (legacy) calendar reports your firm currently uses, as they will be deprecated with this release and will need to be recreated. Please refer to Knowledge Base (article coming soon) for a complete overview.

Single Sign-On (SSO) Updates

We’ve increased security for our Single Sign-On and provided a direct URL access for Single Sign On apps (like Okta or similar applications).

  • Users can no longer change their email addresses when the "Logging in with Microsoft is Required for All Users" is toggled on, unless they are an Administrator
  • The new Domain approval list in Firm Preferences on the Security Page mitigates risk of third-party misuse of SSO
  • Shorter lived security tokens ensure that users that have their access revoked are automatically removed from Neos within the hour.
  • Firms using SSO can control security from one place, e.g., set restrictions on locations and times when someone can or cannot log in to their Microsoft portal.

Approved Domain List

  • New section in Firm Preferences > Security > Approved Domain List
    • When enabled, user logins are restricted to the list of explicitly authorized domains
    • Edits/additions/deletes trigger the save banner and users with appropriate add/modify/delete firm preference permissions are able to save successfully
  • Login restriction is only applied if SSO is enabled
  • Plus button creates a new row below

Direct URL to Neos SSO

  • Example:
  • This URL should bypass the Company ID page in the login process and take the user directly into Neos if they're signed in with Microsoft

New Login Page

We’ve updated our login screen to include upcoming product announcements and updated the design for login workflows (Username and Company ID fields have been swapped).


Dynamic Forms (only available with NeosAI Platinum)

Enjoy greater flexibility when storing user defined data.

  • Customize to meet your needs: Set up forms that can be added as new tabs in a case, independent of case type, or nested forms within other dynamic forms.
  • AI Medical Record Extraction: When performing a medical extraction using NeosAI, dynamically store the extracted data in a dynamic form in the document details.

How it Works

Got to Settings > Mini Directories > Dynamic Form Types (directory to define the dynamic form types that will be available for use in Neos)

  • Tab Handling (defines how we handle the tab for dynamic forms added to a case)

    • Option 1: Auto - when there is one instance of a form added to a case, the tab shows as a flat tab (like user tabs 6-10) OR where there is more than one instance of a form added to a case, the tab shows as a list tab (like user tabs 1-5)

    • Option 2: Single - no matter the number of instances of a form added to a case, the tab shows as a list tab (like user tabs 1-5)

    • Option 3: Multi - no matter the number of instances of a form added to a case, each instance shows as a flat tab (like user tabs 6-10)

  • Category

    • used in conjunction with the AI Medical Record extraction

    • defines which form type will be used to house data extracted from medical records

    • only one form type can be linked to each category

  • Settings > Dynamic Forms Layout Manager

    • manager to define the layout for each dynamic form type

    • similar UX to Intake Layout Manager

    • list of fields to be added to the layout is defined in the Case Fields directory

  • Settings > Case Fields
    • Category
    • used in conjunction with the AI Medical Record extraction
    • defines which field will be used to house data extacted from medical records
    • only one field can be linked to each category

Dynamic Forms can be added to Cases, Documents, and other Dynamic Forms

  • Case
    • Quick Add > Dynamic Form
    • Select a form type from the list
    • Fill in data in the modal based on the layout of the selected form type
    • When saved, the form will show in a tab in the case based on the tab handling of the selected form type
  • Document
    • New tab added to Document Details: "Related Items"
    • Within Related Items tab, click Add Dynamic Form
    • Same workflow as adding to a case
    • Dynamic Form instances will be grouped by Type and shown as a grid in the Related Items tab
  • Dynamic Forms
    • On each dynamic form instance, there is a button "Add Dynamic Form"
    • When clicked, same workflow as above
    • Child instances show the same as instances linked to the document, grouped by Type

Learn more about NeosAI Platinum


Zoom Phone

We have added a new option for integrated VoIP calling out of Neos!

  • Firms can utilize the advanced functionality of click-to-call when interacting with phone numbers in a case.
  • When a call is incoming, Neos can do a search to match the incoming call to a Case or Contact living in the Neos environment and automatically open a tab for easy note taking and streamlined assistance for a Firm's clients.
  • Call recording and logging provides data records that can be transformed into Marketing data and help to increase productivity.
  • Users can create a phone call note during a call.
  • Users can control how they receive phone log notifications.
  • New staff setting allows users to enable/disable opening a call log in a new tab.
  • Auto-create intakes from Zoom calls and filter out internal calls from call logs with new firm preference

NOTE: We renamed the RingCentral Notification category to "Phone Call Logs" and it will be applied to whichever phone integration is active for a firm.


How it Works

Use the click-to-call button on a contact to automatically trigger the Zoom widget inside Neos.

Refer to our Knowledge Base article (coming soon) for comprehensive instructions on how to use Zoom Phone inside Neos.

Sign up for a Zoom Phone subscription.


InfoTrack offers the broadest eFiling coverage, with 10 states and dozens of jurisdictions. No other online process serving provider allows you to connect with the local serving agency that firms know and love. InfoTrack also includes a bundled capability that lets users file, serve, and file affidavits in one step.

How it works

  • Case, court, and party data auto-populate from your Neos case
  • Returned documents sync back automatically to your Neos case
  • Choose your preferred server and connect to streamline orders via InfoTrack
  • Expert, top-rated support via live chat, email, and phone

Learn more about InfoTrack


Additional Dropdown Information in Document Generation

More information is now displayed in the dropdowns during document generation to more easily select the correct record from the case to populate the document.

When a User generates a document with a Template with the following Tags:

  • Insurance Tags will see the Insurance Type, Insurer Full Name, and Party Role in the dropdown
  • Counsel Tags will see the Counsel Full Name, Representing Full Name, and Party Role in the dropdown
  • Party Tags will see the Party Full Name and Party Role in the dropdown.

How it Works

  • If the user is prompted to select an Insurance record during document generation, the dropdown will now contain
    • Insurance Type
    • Insurer Full Name
    • Party Full Name
    • Party Role
  • If the user is prompted to select a Counsel record during document generation, the dropdown will now contain
    • Counsel Full Name

    • Representing Full Name (if more than one, includes "et al.")

    • Party Role (only if the Representing is a Party)

  • If the user is prompted to select a Party record during document generation, the dropdown will now contain
    • Party Full Name
    • Party Role

Add Tags to Bulk Update

Edit document tags in bulk: add or remove tags from many documents at once to improve efficiency.

How it Works

  • When bulk editing one or more documents, the user will have two additional options in the Fields list
    • Document Tags (Add)
    • Document Tags (Remove)
  • Choosing "Document Tags (Add)" will allow the user to add one or more tags to the document(s)

    • if the tag does not exist, the user will have the option to add it as a Case Tag

  • Choosing "Document Tags (Remove)" will allow the user to remove one or more tags from the document(s)
    • the dropdown will only show tag(s) that exist on the document(s) being edited

Neos Email Enhancements (Customer request)

Emails now have CC and BCC option that will allow drop down multi-select or entering custom value. When opening the side panel for an email, the “To” input will now be populated.

Customer requests for this feature:

How it works

  • Users can now click “cc” or “bcc” in the send email modal to add a CC or BCC recipient to email
  • The side pane for email populates with “To, CC and BCC”

Accident Information Tab - Advanced Search

Advanced Search now has a primary record in for the Accident Information Tab that allows users to report on data that exists for that tab in a case. “Cases,” “Intakes and Cases,” “Intakes,” and “Accident Information” primary searches will have "Accident Information" as a search filter criteria category.


Updated Accounting Posted Status

Integrating Partners now have the ability to set an external link to any value entry locking the entry in Neos and setting an entry to “Posted” status via an API.

How it works

  • Our integrating partner will first set an entry to “Posted” status using the end point post/timesandvalues/id/posted
    • Once the entry is set to posted status the integrating partner will next set an external link to that entry using the end point post/valueextlink
  • Once the entry is set to posted and an external link is attached, the entry will be locked from editing and a banner will appear showing “This has been pushed to your accounting provider and is locked for editing.”
    • Once the value entry is linked, our integrating partner will be able to add value transactions to the entry via the API, update the value’s external link, or delete the external link to unlock an entry.

Document Generation as a Tab

Document generation now occurs within a separate tab instead of a popup window.

Notes Enhancement

Users now have the ability to use Expand All/Collapse All in the Notes Tab.


Update “Staff Created” Column and Criteria in Time Advanced Search

This updates the existing “Staff Created” column and criteria and renames it to “Staff.” Users will now be able to see who created a time entry with the “Staff Created” column and which staff was chosen for the time entry with the “Staff” column.


Contact your customer success manager if you have questions about this release, or sign up for one of our monthly Neos demos for a full product refresh!

For detailed instructions on these enhancements, click the Help icon (question mark) in Neos to access the Self-Serve Portal and Knowledge Base.


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