Mass Tort

With thousands of plaintiffs depending on you to get them the settlements they deserve, you need case management software that scales with your client base. Use Neos cloud-based case management software to automate transactional communications and busywork, prevent duplicated efforts, and keep your clients informed and happy.

See some of Neos' top features:

  • Automated Intake
  • Document management
  • Case notes and flexible billing
  • Workflow and automations
  • Mass communication

Neos bulk case notes

Case management software built by lawyers for lawyers

Automated Intake

Mass tort cases develop rapidly; with Neos, you don’t need to enlist a third-party vendor to capture plaintiffs quickly. Neos enables you to automatically gather potential plaintiff information from multiple sources using Zapier, then will seamlessly transition the data into a case file. You can even take advantage of dynamic intake fields to expedite the lead qualification process.

Document management

Documents in mass tort cases can easily stretch into the millions. Neos’ advanced search, OCR technology, related document filing, and intuitive case structures help you stay organized without wasting time wading through a sea of files. Even mass-generate documents from templates in seconds and automatically file them to multiple cases.

Case notes and flexible billing

Share case notes and bulk update notes across all cases; even track updates without missing a beat. Add court orders to all cases in under five minutes.

Workflow and automations

Offload transactional communications, document generation, and other administrative tasks to automated workflows to allow your firm to focus on winning cases. Use automations to minimize the possibility of tasks slipping through the cracks due to employee turnover and busy schedules.

Mass communication

Stay connected to your clients through personalized emails and SMS texts that you can send to thousands of people with the click of a button. Utilize workflows to automate communication for even more time savings.

Neos Intake retainer workflow

Enjoy business continuity

Our automated, multi-region backups support real-time failover, ensuring that you do not experience data loss.

With geographically redundant data centers, data replication, and comprehensive monitoring you have a top-of-the-line system in place to keep your business fully operational.

Neos comes with a greater than 99% uptime guarantee and point-in-time recovery (PITR) of databases for seven days. Daily backups are retained for 90 days, weekly backups for one year, and yearly backups for seven years.

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Don’t take our word for it

Schedule a live demo to see how Neos can support your case management needs.